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Archyvas :: AIPS Austrijoje organizuoja Jaunųjų sporto žurnalistų programą


Sveiki, kolegos,

AIPS organizuoja Jaunųjų sporto žurnalistų (18-26 m.) programą, kuri vyks kovo 17-25 d. Austrijoje. Visa informacija apie renginį - apačioje. Labai lauksime žinių iš norinčių stažuotis jaunųjų žurnalistų kartu su CV. Atsakymą AiPS reikia pateikti iki kito penktadienio, todėl nedelskite. 

Gero savaitgalio :) 


LSŽF prezidiumas


We wanted to inform you that AIPS will be holding a new Young Reporters Program together with Special Olympics during the World Winter Games in Austria. We hope Lithuania will be able to send us the name of a promising young journalist who can take part in the program. We need the name, cv and passport of your candidate at least by next Friday, February 17, 2017. 

Some more details below:

Special Olympics World Winter Games, Austria 2017 are taking place in Graz and Schladming from March 14-25, 2017. The Young Reporter would be one of 14 young journalists to take part in the AIPS and Special Olympics YR Programme from March 17-25. The full cost of transportation, accommodation and board would be covered for the duration of the programme.

The young journalist is expected to be between 18-26 years old, with a very good knowledge of English, and already having begun to work in the news media and able to send reports back home to their local media on the Games.

The young reporters will be offered daily training and mentoring sessions in print, photography, and online and new media reporting, incorporating on-the-job training in competition venues. The will be given daily assignments and feedback for their work.


Paskutinį kartą atnaujinta: 2017-02-11 10:33

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